The Clinical Science Knowledge Exchange
A way through which expertise in conducting and applying clinical science can be available to all.
What is the Clinical Science Knowledge Exchange?
The Clinical Science Knowledge Exchange (CSKE) is a service provided by the Coalition for the Advancement and Application of Psychological Science (CAAPS) to match individuals in need of expert advice about a topic in the realm of the conduct or application (i.e., research or practice) of clinical science with experts who can provide it.
This is a free service, and individuals provide their expertise on a volunteer basis.
Here are more expectations that should help make this an efficient use of everyone’s time:
1. We will send an email to introduce you and the expert. It is your responsibility to then arrange the knowledge exchange directly with the expert.
2. Please consider using email, phone, or video conferencing, depending on what is available and works best for both parties.
3. Note that this is a one-time exchange, unless the expert explicitly offers additional contact. They have only committed to offer one hour of their time.
4. The expert does not act in a supervisory role on clinical matters and assumes no responsibility. A release of information must be properly completed before discussing any identifiable clinical information.
6. Individuals requesting assistance may have variable experience in the domain requested; experts should try to meet them where they are and connect them to additional resources they may consult on their own, where appropriate. It is also understood that experts may vary in their background, and we encourage experts to share what they know without feeling like they need to have full mastery of a topic.